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Showing posts with label article. Show all posts


3 Ways to Take Care of Curtains Extremely Easy To Hold Old

3 Ways to Take Care of Curtains Extremely Easy To Hold Old

Caring for the curtains properly is like keeping the look of the house beautiful. Because the placement of curtains on the window will be immediately visible to people passing in front of the house.

Cloth as a barrier of sunlight as a decorative room that is a very important curtain to always be kept clean. Dust that settles for too long can cause damage to the color of curtains and can make a nest of germs and dust.

Mistakes in the treatment of curtains can make the quality of the curtains become unkempt and will quickly be damaged. Generally, housework is done by women, so for women do not make mistakes when cleaning the contents of the house, because it will affect the damage. If damaged, it not only affects the decoration that looks unattractive but will also affect the owner of the house itself because the homeowner must spend money to replace it.

So that this window covering cloth becomes more beautiful and remain as its function is to maintain privacy, there are 3 ways to care for curtains that you can apply at home.

3 Ways to Take Care of Curtains Extremely Easy To Hold Old

Periodic Treatment.

The first thing that can be applied when treating the curtains is to keep the color does not easily fade and the cloth is not quickly damaged and to avoid this, do not wash the curtains too often. Wash the curtains for about 3 to 6 months. It all depends on the type of curtain and the room it occupies.

To take care of it regularly, then we can clean it by using a vacuum cleaner or a vacuum cleaner. Do vacuuming once a week to avoid any accumulation of dirt that can cause curtains easily damaged.

Check Type Curtain Cloth.

When you want to care for curtains, then first you must know the type of curtain material itself. There are 2 types of curtains are often used, namely velvet fabric and chenille fabrics. Be careful when washing curtains with a type of velvet cloth, do not let the velvet feather fall out and avoid not to squeeze by twisting it. While washing the chenille type is using dry cleaning system so that the cloth is not easy to shrink, the chennile cloth will experience shrinkage when exposed to water.

How to Dry

Caring for curtains should pay attention to the type of cloth whose color fade easily if exposed to direct sunlight. Therefore it is better to put the cloth in the dry areas of the roof, so that sunlight can be filtered. Do not forget also to not fold the curtain when sunning so that when the curtains are installed there are no folds. Hang wet curtains the same as the position when installed in the window.

That's how to care for curtains. How, very easy is not it? but remember, do not forget to have a curtain at least 2 pieces, it is aimed when one curtain dirty and washed it can use backup curtains are installed as a substitute so that privacy is always maintained.


Natural Ways to Expel Insects From Home

Natural Ways to Expel Insects From Home

An insect killer spray is effective to repel insects that stop at home. However, the chemicals contained in the sprays are not only harmful to the insects, as well as ourselves.

Expel Insects From Home

To be safe for us, as well as effective to get rid of insects so that no back and forth again, try lyric materials stored in the kitchen. Some herbs, spices, also fruit in the kitchen can be used to repel insects, you know!

Ant. Instead of using special chalk or an insect spray, use lemon juice to expel the most commonly disturbing small animal attacking this house. The trick of lemon juice container in a spray bottle and spray along the path normally passed by ants.

If the supply of lemon is running out, you can replace it with vinegar water and do the same to get rid of it. But, if the vinegar supply is also empty, just use pepper powder. The way is more or less the same, ie spread the pepper along with the path through which ants. It's just that this way can make the house so it looks dirtier.

Mosquito. If Westerners use lavender plants that are contained in pots and placed in a house to repel mosquitoes, then you can use lemongrass plants. Serves the same as lavender, mosquitoes will be reluctant to enter the house if there are lemongrass plants at home.

Flies. This one insect can be expelled with mint leaves, basil leaves, rosemary leaves, or cloves. Although it can be found in some big supermarkets in Indonesia, but not easy to get the 3 spices of the leaves. More easily, can use cloves that certainly can be easily purchased in shopping malls traditional and modern. Flies are also allergic to this sweet-smelling spice.

Moth. If you do not want the clothes stored in the cupboard damaged by the tiny insects, use gloves to dislodge them. Put it in a bag with lavender, mint leaves, rosemary, and cinnamon and hang in a cupboard. The fragrance of the fragrance will keep the moth away.